Supper time...why do we stress so much about it. Why do we feel so guilty when we decide to take the easy route every now and then. Yes, I am a stay at home mom so I am home all day (yeah right) and I have no excuse to not have a giant 5 course meal ready every night...but sometimes you just don't feel like cooking. Sometimes you just don't feel like cleaning all those dishes...again. So, I've taken it upon myself to implement a Pancake and Smoothie night 4 times a month ( sounds better than once a And I don't mean mean homemade pancakes...I mean the open the box and add eggs and milk kind( and throw in a little flax meal for good measure).
So next to the sign that says " my house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it" I will need to have one that says " I cooked a huge healthy supper yesterday, sorry you missed it".
So, pass the syrup, cause this momma ain't cooking tonight :)
breakfast for dinner is awesome.